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培训机构 在线英语 浏览

小编:围绕某个主题展开阅读,可以开阔学生视野,增加学生课外文化知识,有利于培养学生兴趣和养成良好的阅读习惯。既可以提高阅读能力,又可以通过阅读增加词汇量。 做完文章后面的


做完文章后面的练习题,三年级英语,主题阅读2又可以听一听优美的文章录音,熟悉句子,进一步增加对文章的理解,同一篇文章,通过听读两种方式来学习,符合学习规律和学生心理特点,学习不枯燥,听读结合,互相促进,学生自己能够完全理解文章,收获满满。 01听读主题词汇 听读词汇,可以预先猜一下文章会讲有关哪方面的故事 1.the blue whale 蓝鲸(地球上已知的体积最大的动物) 2.earth(名词)地球 3.weigh(动词)重,重量是... 4.tire(名词)轮胎 5.beat(动词)敲打;(心跳)跳动


   6.heartbeat(名词)心跳 02阅读文章,培养思维能力 阅读文章,理解大意 Do you know that? The blue whale is the largest animal on Earth. It is even bigger than the dinosaur. It weighs about 80 tons, more than 24 elephants. It is more than 30 metres long. And it also has the biggest heart in the world. The whales heart is big and strong. It can be as big as the tire of a large truck. Our hearts usually beat about 70 times in one minute. A blue whales heart beats slower than that. But its heartbeat makes a big sound. You can hear the sound from 3 km away! 1. The _____ is the largest animal on Earth. A. blue whale B. elephant C. dinosaur 2. The whales heart is _____ . A. big and fast B. small and strong C. big and strong 3. Our hearts usually beat about _____ times in one minute. A. 60 B. 70 C. 80 4. We can hear the blue whales heartbeat from _____ km away. A. 3 B. 24 C. 30 03跟读练习,强化句式

   主题词汇和句子录音01:27来自Tina英语快车1.The blue whale is the largest animal on Earth. 蓝鲸是地球上最大的动物。 2. It is even bigger than the dinosaur. 它甚至比恐龙还要大。 3. The whales heart is big and strong. 鲸鱼的心脏又大又强壮。 4. It can be as big as the tire of a large truck. 它可以像一辆大卡车的轮胎一样大。 5. But its heartbeat makes a big sound. 蓝鲸的心跳比我们的慢。 6. You can hear the sound from three km away! 你可以在3公里以外听到这个声音!

