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培训机构 在线英语 浏览

小编:那些和水果有关的英语俗话你获悉吗? The apple of ones eye 表示某个奇特珍视的人/物。 东方和西方都把苹果视为一种吉庆的水果。 例句:John little girl is the apple of his eye, he loves her so muc



  那些和水果有关的英语俗话你获悉吗? The apple of one’s eye 表示某个奇特珍视的人/物。 东方和西方都把苹果视为一种吉庆的水果。 例句:John little girl is the apple of his eye, he loves her so much. To go bananas 表示某人发疯、精力杂乱、感情不稳定! 为什么这样明白呢?香蕉有招谁了呢?香蕉招猴子酷爱,猴子目睹就兴妖作怪的,未来引申为发疯。 例句:She went bananas when she found him cheating To cherry pick 表示精挑细选。to choose something very carefully. 例句:Paul always cherry picks the best books from the second hand book shop To not give a fig 表示毫无注重,一点儿也不放在心上。I donot care!奇特是表示你不在意某人的意见或许行动! 例句:Helen and I are no longer friends; I don’t give a fig whether she comes to the party of not. To be a peach 假使像形容一一己是一个桃儿,其实即使想表白ta很好很nice! 例句:Thank you for helping me paint, James, you’re a peach! To have sour grapes sour:酸的 ,sour grapes 酸葡萄。表示:吃不着葡萄就说葡萄酸。 例句:Karen’s attitude towards the competition winner was sour grapes. To compare apples and oranges 表示两件不同的事物,不曾可比性。 例句:Comp小学英语一起作业网aring the salary of a person that lives in Spain and a person that lives in Sweden is like comparing apples and oranges. 近期活动:8月ECA即刻初步,出众的英语主题活动热烈报名中!创造英语学习环境!激发英语学习兴致! 实力优惠:网上报名享立减2000元优惠!更有免费英语程度考试和免费试听课等着你哦! 假使大家感兴致或许想要飞速升级英语程度,能够穿越以下形式关系: 网址:【】/ 和水果有关的英语俗话





