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培训机构 在线英语 浏览

小编:泰国英文拼字游戏玩家,不会说英语却排名世界第三,儿童英语线上还是线下 小学三年级英语上册视频人教版 泰国英文拼字游戏玩家,不会说英语却排名世界第三!! ​Thai wordsmith Ko



  小学三年级英语上册视频人教版 泰国英文拼字游戏玩家,不会说英语却排名世界第三!! ​Thai wordsmith Komol Panyasophonlert, 31, is one of the world's best scrabble players and ranked third in the world after memorising 90 per cent of the entire language. 31岁的泰国语言大师Komol Panyasophonlert,是当前世界上优良的拼字游戏玩家之一,他在记住90%的英文单词后拼字游戏排名世界第三。 He learned how to play from a tatty handbook he found lying around at home when he was 14 and trains by reading the dictionary for six hours a day. 他14岁时在家中发觉一本破烂的手册,所以学会了怎么玩拼字游戏。他穿越每天在家读上六小时的字典练习。 But remarkably, Komol can only utter a handful of words in broken English, can't string a sentence together and relies on Google Translate for written communication. 不过上算一提的是,Komol只会说一点不准绳的英文单词,连一个句子也串不起来,并且必要依靠谷歌翻译来做笔头交流。 He said: 'Scrabble is more about logic, memory, maths and being able to outsmart your opponent. 他表示:拼字游戏更多的是审核逻辑、记忆、数学和比对方聪慧的实力。 'Plus, I train hard. Before competitions I spend all my free time reading the dictionary. In bed, in the bathroom, on the train - nearly every waking moment.' 再者,我努力训练。每次竞赛前我用所有的闲暇日期读字典。在床上、厕所里、火车上——近乎所有走动的时候我都会用来读字典。不过这篇《每日邮报》的报道,却让Komol本人不能认同。本来Komol抉择笔头交流是另有原因,并非一点英语都不能说…… Ok. it's time to defend myself. These are what I answered the journalist that made him think I used Google translate [sic], Komol wrote on Facebook. Komol在脸书上申明:行,是时候为我自己正名了。这是我当初怎么答对那名记者的,也即使这答对让他觉得我用了谷歌翻译。呵呵。 In their conversation, Komol only suggested that it would be easier to respond via Facebook messages to give detailed answers. It did not say his reason was because he couldn’t speak English. So basically, Komol was doing the guy a favor to ensure he got his story. 在对话中,Komol只是创议穿越脸书消息来交流能更简捷给出透彻的答对。这并不能成为他不会说英语的原因。所以的确上,Komol当初是确保让那名记者能听懂他的故事。 Thais use English as a foreign language, and common Thai schools focus on teaching the students written English and grammar, rather than speaking skills. Therefore, some Thais may not have too much experience with casual conversation or need time to think about how they should arrange a sentence when they speak English. 英文被泰国人当做一门外语,而平凡的泰国学校注重英文的笔头和语法教学,口头技巧却少有注重。所以一些泰国人或许不曾许多日常对话的经验。或是说,他们在说英语时,会必要一些日期来组织语言。 ​ 近期活动:8月ECA即刻初步,出众的英语主题活动热烈报名中!创造英语学习环境!激发英语学习兴致! 实力优惠:网上报名享立减2000元优惠!更有免费英语程度考试和免费试听课等着你哦! ​ 想要升级英语程度,能够穿越以下形式关系: 网址:【】 ​ 文章根源:云南阿卡索国际英语官网





