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英语知识分享:时间旅行者的妻子 也跟着来一场旅行畅想吧

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小编:时间旅行者的妻子 可爱绿 英语知识分Hello,everyone! My name is Green Lee. Nice to meet you. 哈喽大家好,我是可爱绿。很高兴见到大家! Welcome to the fifth issue of Green Lee English Knowledge Sharing. 欢迎来

   时间旅行者的妻子 可爱绿 英语知识分Hello,everyone! My name is Green Lee. Nice to meet you.

哈喽大家好,我是可爱绿。很高兴见到大家! Welcome to the fifth issue of Green Lee English Knowledge Sharing. 欢迎来到可爱绿英语知识分享第五期。 The movie tells a love story that conquers the obstacles of time and space. Henry has chronic time misplacement. Every time he gets sick, he goes naked through time and space. A chance, he falls in love with Claire. The two people fall into love and can not pull themselves out. Finally, they overcome layers of obstacles and join together into the palace of marriage. 电影讲述一个战胜了时空阻碍的爱情故事。男主亨利自小患慢性时间错位症,每次发病都赤身裸体穿越时空,一个偶然的机会,他爱上了女主克莱尔,两人坠入爱河无法自拔,最后克服层层阻碍,共同迈进婚姻殿堂。


   时间旅行者的妻子 可爱绿 英语知识分享 Next, Lets come to appreciate the>接下来,让我们一起来赏析剧中的经典台词。 Each moment, like glass hourglass in the sand, slowly and transparent, each moment, I can see, their inexhaustible, together into a long wait. 每个微小的时刻,如同玻璃沙漏里的细沙,缓慢而透明,每个微小的时刻,我都能看见,它们无穷无尽,汇聚成漫长的等待。 Suddenly, I see, I understand: my friend, my guide, my brother, is myself. 突然,我看见,我明白:我的朋友,我的向导,我的兄弟——就是我自己。 I love you, always. Time is nothing. 我永远爱你。时间毫不足道。 How long will I love you? As long as stars are above you. 对你的爱会持续多久,只要你头顶的星星依旧闪烁。 Were all traveling through time together, every day of our lives. All we can do is do our best to>我们生活的每一天,都在穿越时空,我们所能做的,就是尽其所能,珍惜这趟不平凡的旅程。 When we come to the end of life, most of us are similar. We all grow old and tell the same story over and over again, but we have to spend a lifetime with a kind person. 走到生命尽头的时候,我们大多相似,我们都会变老,一遍遍地讲同一个故事,但是,要和一个善良的人共度一生。

   时间旅行者的妻子 可爱绿 英语知识分享Words Learning 单词学习 conquer [kk] vt. 战胜,征服 obstacle[ɑbstkl]n. 障碍,干扰;妨害物 overcome [vkm] vt. 克服;胜过 Phrase Sentence 短语和句型 do our best to 尽我们最大努力 So we must do our best to study. 所以我们必须尽最大努力搞好学习。 as long as 只要 Iquot;ll buy the shoes as long as you agree. 只要你同意,我就买鞋子。 This issue is shared here. If you like the content of this issue, please feel free to leave a message. 本期就分享到这里了,如果你喜欢本期的内容,欢迎留言交流。英语知识分享:时间旅行者的妻子 也跟着来一场旅行畅想吧

